Monday, March 31, 2008

Monday, March 31, 2008

YES....I WANT IT NOW!!!! Again, the guys doing the bathroom called to say they weren't coming today BUT, would be here tomorrow. AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! And....the counter isn't in so he will be doing all the other little things that need to be done. Two weeks is almost three week (Wednesday) and who knows how long this will take.
Went to Home Depot and picked up the knobs and handles for the cabinets. Had to go to both Canton ones as I the first one I went to (Ford Road) only had four of the handles, so had to go to the Michigan Avenue one also. Also, went to Macy's and Bed, Bath & Beyond looking at towels. Not having that much of luck with finding the colors I want...or at least I think I want. Did get a shower curtain, liner and the rings that hold it up. It's white with a sort of a waffle effect on it. Will have to take back some of the towels I picked up as I don't like the color. Looking for a hydrangea blue color and it's not that easy to find. Have to take back towels at both Macy's and BB&B so while I'm at Macy's will go over to Sear's and Penney's to see what they have. Oh...speaking of Penney's...the new Penney's by us, behind Target, will be opening up on April 11th. There will be Sephora store in there also...hummmm...good. Love Sephora! It opens at 9am on that day and I suppose I will go over to see what's up...maybe some free things?...don't know. Now...hopefully those guys will be here tomorrow!!!!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Not much going on this week-end. Went to Meijers and Targets to pick up some of their sale items...Scott, Bounty, Hunts, Clorox, Cascade, etc. Other than than just tried to clean up a few rooms. Love my little Ruby Rhoomba...she does a fantastic job cleaning under beds, sofas, everywhere. I can't believe how much dirt the two dogs bring in from the outside.
Made Juan one of his favorites...Ribs & Sauerkraut. Yeah, I know...real Mexican food. Ü It is soooo easy to make...just open a large can of Sauerkraut (I like Silver Floss & don't rinse it) and put some of the kraut on the bottom of dutch oven. If you don't have a dutch oven, just put in a 9x13 pan...that should work. Then on top of the sauerkraut put some onion slices....then Ribs and then repeat the step. Cover and put in a 350º oven for 2-1/2 to 3 hours. And that's it!...simple.
Hope the bathroom counter comes in tomorrow. Can't wait to start putting stuff away, not to mention having that huge mirror in our family room sitting against the wall. That certainly makes a difference in making the bathroom look bigger. It looks so small without the mirror.
"Oh, Happy Day"...another song I like.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Friday, March 28, 2008

Put the above item up on Ebay, although it won't show up until 10 pm tonight. If you look on Ebay you should type in Detroit Red Wings tap handle...that should take you to the page. It is another one of Juan's garbage finds. Should get something for it being it has the Detroit Red Wings logo on it.'s a beer tap handle, in case you didn't know. Ü Kind of neat looking.

Tried out my whirlpool tub last night. Likey! Will be nice when it's all finish so I can start putting stuff away in the drawers.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Cabinets are in, toilet and some other stuff finished. They are coming back on Monday to do some more....hopefully the counter/sinks will be here. Now Juan doesn't have to walk so far when he gets up in the middle of the night.
We are supposed to get 3 to 6 inches of snow. Ahhh....think I am tired of it by now.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

It's coming together! All the bathroom tile, tub area and floor, are now grouted. The toilet is not quite in as he has to get a longer tube, or whatever it's called, to connect the water to the tank...and the seat is not yet attached. The cabinets were suppose to come tomorrow as I think that with the floor finished they could put in the cabinets.

Did a scrapbook page of the Easter Egg Hunt in Lansing put on by the JayCees which Alex is a member. You can see a bigger picture of the page if you click on the photo.
Heard on the TV that one year ago the temperature here was 81º. I don't even remember that...couldn't have been that impressive. Ü The high temperature here today was 50º so, bit of a difference.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Well, taxes are done...almost. My Mom's are done and ours are almost. Have to look up a couple of things so we don't have to pay as much. We have to now pay estimated taxes....ahhhh.
Tile floor went down in the bathroom today...grout tomorrow...also, grout inside the tub area. Think they also said that the toilet will be back...nor sure on that one.
Those blue things shown in the picture of the floor are spacers and will be coming out.
Glad I didn't go out and buy towels and stuff as the bathroom paint and tile pieces sometimes looks blue and other times looks green. Will have to wait until it is all finished before I go shopping for accessories.
The song playing, Gee Whiz, is just another song I used to like way back from 1961. Yikes!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Monday, March 24, 2008

Today the guys put on another coat of paint on the walls and touched up on the ceiling where there were a couple of boo boos. Also, all the electrical work was done for the floors. You can't see but, on the other side of the wall is a thermostat where I can program it or just turn it on for heated floors....hehehe. If I program it for a certain time in the morning when I think I will be up for a shower it will have the floor all warm and toasty so I won't get my puddies cold. Ü Will not be putting a rug in there as I don't want GiGi thinking this is some new pee pad. Tomorrow, they will be putting down the floor tiles. Know that they will be tinting the grout so match the tiles.
Have to go tomorrow afternoon and have my Mom's taxes done. Kept putting it off and should have had them done when I had Uncle Joe's done but, just didn't want to gather up all the stuff. So tomorrow it will be!
And...Taylor Dayne...just 'cause I like this song!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Sunday


Saturday, March 22, 2008

Day before Easter

Alex got in this afternoon and looked tired so she went straight to bed for a nap. Will find out later how things went with the egg hunt. Juan is taking his afternoon nap along with GiGi who just barely opened her eyes when she heard me come into the room. Aspen is sleeping under the coffee table. Made the Irish Soda Bread and the Cherry Pie Cups for tomorrow. John and Brand can't be here until 3pm so will have dinner at 4pm. Don't want Alex driving back when it's late.
Didn't make any hard boiled eggs this year or get any candy. Candy we don't need!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Good Friday

Bathroom almost has all of the tile up in the tub enclosure and all the walls are painted. Still have to put tile around the inside of the insert and tile is needed on the outside rim. Next will be the grouting....then ???.....floor??? Will keep you posted.
We are having snow right now and is predicted to be 6 to 10 inches. How fun....hehehe Alex is having her Easter Egg Hunt tomorrow morning and will be coming down here in the afternoon. John, Brandy and her kids were supposed to go up there for the hunt but with the weather...not sure now if they are or not. Also, Tonga and her family are supposed to go. I was thinking of going but Alex has to be at the capital at 8am and that changed my mind. Ü Just told her to take lots of pictures. Scrapbooking, you know.
Tomorrow will make the dessert for Sunday which will be Cherry Pie Cups and also another Irish Soda Bread. Since we are having corned beef & cabbage, might as well have the Irish bread.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Spring! Spring! Spring!

First day of Spring...and it's nice and sunny outside but, don't let that fool's still COLD! Right now it's 39º outside with a bit of a breeze. Michigan.
So the bathroom is coming along. They primed the walls and painted the ceiling and started with the color I chose for the walls. Also, started to tile the tub enclosure. The tile will have a couple of coats of glaze on it when it is finished so will look somewhat different than pictured. You can see a couple of the glass tiles that will be randomly placed in the area. That square is for shampoos and stuff and will be tiled. The paint for the walls is the same color as the glass tiles. can see remnants of my wallpaper from long ago behind the medicine cabinet. I used to love that paper! Glad I was able to see it again. So things are progressing!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Juan and I went to Eastern Market this morning and bought the corned beef we are having for Easter...also, bought a couple of slabs of ribs. Then we stopped by Honey Bee's for tamales, tortillas, refried beans and some carrots. We were only gone for about 1-1/2 hours...not too bad. The guys were here from 9 to 5 today...well, one of them was here that long and the other one came around 1:30. All the walls are now ready for to be either painted or tiled which they are going to do tomorrow. Progress is coming along.
Hank came by and told us of his week long trip to Mexico. He and Wanda went with their daughter and son-in-law to some resort near Cozumel. Then Skinner showed up with a case of grapefruit juice....the refridgerated kind with an experation date of March 27th. I don't like grapefruit and Juan can only drink so much. Gave some to Hank to take and the rest...???

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Tuesday, March 18, 2007

So....they guys didn't show up until 11:30...worked and left at 3:30. Know that they were cutting and pounding. They filled the tub to make sure it ran and that there were no leaks....and there weren't any...good. Suppose....and I say suppose to be here tomorrow at 9am. So, find myself waiting because, what else is there to do? Someday the bathroom will be finished.....someday.
Heard from John. He and Brandy will be here Sunday but not sure if her girls are coming. Juan and I are to go to Eastern Market tomorrow to get corned beef at Wigley's. Wigley's is the best corned beef anywhere. Decided to have that for Easter since St. Patrick's Day was so close.

Monday, March 17, 2008

St. Patrick's Day & they'll be no patty fingers!

So it tis St. Patty's Day and all the world is green!...especially the guys who are suppose to be here doing my bathroom! He called and said they were making it a wee bit merry this past week-end and won't be here today but bright and early tomorrow. Ahhh! John called me at 9:30 this morning from the Old Shillelagh Irish Club in Detroit. John, Brandy and a couple of their friends are there....eeks! Hope there won't be too much celebrating. Juan and I are going down to Eastern Market on Wednesday to get corned beef for Sunday. We decided to have that for Easter dinner instead of ham. Alex will be here and I think John and Brandy....not sure yet. Think I might make colcannon and Irish soda bread for that day.
So, to all the world out there.....HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY!!!

St. Patty

Saturday, March 15, 2008

The Ides of March

Et tu, Bruto! So...had to go up to the pet store to get some dog food and treats for the dogs. Took Gigi with me and she was pretty good and sat in the baby seat in the cart. Saw Carrie as she is up there every Saturday with her pet adoption. She was packing up ready to go home. The one dog she has at her home gave birth to 13 puppies the other day.
Invited to a baby shower next month for my girlfriend Mary Ann's neice, Armanda. She is having a girl and naming her Kaylyn...due May 8th. The shower is way out in Clinton Township....far, far away. Not sure if I will be going...will see.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Day Three of Renovation

Today the whirlpool tub was installed. Have to let it set as it is glued down and something with the pipes...???...forget. They also put down some kind of flooring to have it ready to tile. Anyway, they will be back on Monday to start again. Went to Home Depot and picked up the paint for the bathroom. It's called Valley Mist by Behr and matches the glass tiles that will be installed in the tub area. Have to talk to Juan about which direction he wants the hand rail that will be installed above the tub. So things are coming along.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Day Two of Bathroom Renovation

So I now have a light above the tub....I now have an air vent fan in the ceiling that is vented through the attic and outside....and both of the switches are on the wall next to the toilet. The guys were only here for half the day to do this work but are coming tomorrow early.....they said around nine o'clock.

John came by today to take Aspen for her haircut. She was really wacked out and wasn't that much trouble. Tranquillizer worked. GiGi is getting her haircut right now. She was clinging to me not to go but she'll get over it and will love not being so warm with all that hair. Juan made John some bacon sandwiches to eat.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Start of Bathroom Renovation

Yea!!! They came and they took all of the old pink bathroom. Light fixtures are still up as they need light and they won't be replaced until the end. The black bag pictured in the one photo covers a hole looking down into the basement.

The tub and all of the fixtures are all in boxes in the garage. Saw the tub and it is soooooo neat!!! I'm going to love it!...can hardly wait.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Monday, March 10, 2008

Well, they are coming Wednesday to start on the bathroom. No more pink bathroom! Booohooo! Have had a pink bathroom since.....forever! And my pink my pink moon. :( Not saying I couldn't put some pink in the new bathroom....Ü....not sure what colors I am going to use....mean for accent...towels and stuff. The room will be mostly beige, green and white with cherry cabinets. Will have to wait until it's done to get my inspiration. They were supposed to start today but the guy had a problem with the kitchen cabinets not coming on time at his other project. No problem....that's one thing I do have....time! Bathroom renovation is suppose to take two weeks to finish. Will have to wait and see.

Just got through taking everything out and down that isn't needed. Talk about an echo! Forgot that I had put the moon stars up with this really sticky tape. When I took them down a thin layer of the wall also came off. Oops! No biggie....don't think...he will just have to just skim over it. He will have to fill in holes anyway. Tomorrow I will clean everything up to be ready for Wednesday. Only problem with having work done....the guy is coming at 8am every day. Will have to get up early! Oh well.