Saturday, November 29, 2008

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Well...ended up not going to the Tut exhibit. Wasn't feeling that well this morning...probably from all the food I've we will go next month sometime before it ends.
That's a picture of our tree this year. Put only a few ornaments up this year...mainly all the Wizard of Oz, all the Magic ornaments and the Barbie ones. Alex went out shopping this afternoon while I just straightened up the place and did some book work that needed to be done.
John just called as he and Brandy are coming over. Think they are going to pick up some of this turkey we have left over. That's good as then we won't have that much left.

Friday, November 28, 2008

The Day After

Did anyone see the sun setting tonight? It was beautiful!!! Juan called from another room and said to look out back....and there it was....the trees looked like they were on fire. Just the trees...nothing else. It was something to see.
Didn't go out into the mad rush today. Haven't done that since the kids were too! John came by and brought some presents as he got up early this morning into the night looking for bargains. He came here with three large bags full of stuff. We are the official hiding place. He had some lunch and then went home. Alex on the other hand went downstairs, into my room down there, and cleaned. Forgot I had some of the stuff she straightened out. Ü Am upset with myself as I didn't take any pictures yesterday for a scrapbook page. We ended up not having dinner until around 7pm as John, Brandy and her kids went to her Mom's house for turkey dinner earlier. Tomorrow, Alex and I are going to see King Tut...How'd you get so funky?...Funky Tut. Anyway....the exhibition is at the African Museum by the DIA and will end the end of we thought we would go. Will take my camera to see if I can take pictures. Thought Juan would like to go but...NOT! Yesterday I told him not to fool around with lights on the house....but NO....up and down the ladder he went. Now his legs are killing him. Oh well.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


From our family to yours....have a very Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Finished the above scrapbook page of Sierra's 8th birthday party. Inside of house if pretty much decorated for Christmas. Think just a couple of things need to be done. Tomorrow is putting stuff together day in preparation for the Feast on Thursday. We are not having dinner until later because of John and Brandy having to be at her mom's. Fine with me...don't have to get up early to put the beast in the oven. Juan went and picked up three pies...ahhh....Pumpkin, cherry and Coconut Cream. I told him to get a lemon...shoot...don't know how to spell know the white stuff on top pie. Anyway...they didn't have any but the guy told Juan that this is just the same. Now why would they call it Coconut Cream if it was really Lemon! ???? Oh well...Juan like that kind of pie so guess it won't go to waste. Not sure of what else we are doing. Heard that some of my cousins will be in town for the week-end but not sure of their doings. Maybe will give them a call and go over to visit.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Monday, November 24, 2008

Today is Sierra's 8th birthday. It was celebrated Saturday night at a kids place called Pump It Up here in Canton. All kinds of blow up things where you slide down and crawl through and jump on. After the kids, and some adults, were finished doing their thing in that room we all went into another room where tables and chairs were set up for the cake and ice cream. Was a good time for the kids as they all seemed to be enjoying themselves.
The other picture is of Juan and the chichirones he made yesterday. He has been thinking of making those things since we were in Mexico.
This past week-end Alex came down to help put up the Christmas tree and help decorate. Sure was glad to have her help. So tree is up and all but one of the Christmas village is up. One of the pieces to the village needs to be painted and Alex took it back with her to that piece will be added on Thursday when she is here again.
Juan has a doctors appointment this morning....just a check up but know he will want something for his arthrites which bothers him now that the weather is colder. Power just went out for a few seconds. Hate that! Had to type all over again.
Better get going as lots to do. Back is much better and leg is not quite all the way healed but slowly getting there....ahhh.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Sunday...and it's snowing!!!

Leg is getting better but now it's my back that is out and I mean out. Started taken the Vicodin they gave me for my leg and instead, using it for my back. Hopefully this will get it back into shape although I am walking around here in a bit of a daze. Pills and all. Such fun getting old.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Photos on the scrapbook page are from Alex's trip to Baton Rouge last month. She went to a conference there for work. Veteran's Day today and I was thinking about my Uncle Joe. Don't know why...guess because they are showing so many war pictures on the TV and it is in the news today. He LOVED Luciano Pavarotti and would listen to his music all the time. Of course, I believe, Pavarotti's most famous aria would be Nessum Dorma from the opera Turnadot. Listening to Pavarotti sing I can appreciate Uncle Joe's fondness for him. He did have such passion in his voice...something that I think some singers of classical music lack...namely Andrea Bocelli. To me he sings flat! Just my opinion.
Tomorrow I venture out into the real world. Juan and I are going to Meijer's and Korger's to grocery shop. This will be the first time for me going shopping since...???? Think it is over two weeks now....yes, over two weeks. Will have to use one of those motorized carts but that's alright. Have all my coupons together and have made a list of what I have to get from each store. Am back to using coupons since the prices have gone up soooo much for food items.
Alex will be here not this coming week-end but the next week-end to help put up the tree. Should be interesting since this is a new tree and all. Am a little concerned about the size...9 feet. Guess that's was the size of our other tree. Will soon find out!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Friday, November 7, 2008

Leg is getting better but now it's my back that is hurting. Ahhhhhh...just love getting older! Went to the doctors yesterday and all they told me is what the doctors told me Was also told that my back problem is probably from the leg problem. Heard from my sister-in-law, Soco, and she just got out of the hospital from having her spleen partially removed. Talk about someone who has had everything wrong with her it's Soco. She just seems to always have something wrong.
Did the above scrapbook pages of photos of Sierra and Alexis when they were here earlier in the week. That's about all I have done but I did put in a load of wash just now. Juan tries to pick up stuff but all he does is put it in piles. Doesn't get rid of anything and I don't want to ask him to do more as he does enough. Just have to hurry up and get back on my feet.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Have found that if I sit at the kitchen table and put my right leg up on a chair I can still scrapbook. Ü Finished the two scrapbook pages above. The one goes in John's album and the other in Alexandra's. Go to the doctor's this afternoon to see if they have something that can hurry up this healing process. Can tell it is getting better but then I'm not walking on it that much. Anyway...hope there is something because I'm getting BORED!!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

And there is a change...... we all have to get behind this new president and help him turn this country around. Am happy with all the results. Yesterday there was no school so we watched both Sierra and Alexis. Juan was out there raking leaves and the girls helped. Today Juan went to both Kroger and Meijer's to do some grocery shopping. Gave him a list and off he went. My leg is slowly getting better...just have to stay off it. Going to the doctors tomorrow afternoon and maybe she can give me something that will help in the healing. This not being able to walk that much is driving me nuts.
Just received from Alex a photo of her in her Halloween included it on my blog. Ü

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Go Out and VOTE!!!!

Just a quick note. Have tendonitis in my right leg (from the Mexico trip) and can't sit at the computer long but thought I would post these photos. That's my poor GiGi after we brought her home Friday from her operation to remove three cysts. I call her Frankenstein. Then it's John and Sierra Halloween night...they went trick or treating in our neighborhood. And then that's Brandy and John when they went to a Halloween party last week-end.