Thursday, November 8, 2007

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Well, this is a first for me.....blogging. Guess this is somewhat like a diary, only there is no tiny key to lock the book up so no one else can see. With blogging, the world see everything you write. we go.

Tuesday, Alexandra had her eyes done...lasik more glasses. Didn't realize that she had such poor eyesight...10/800...geeh! Anyway, everything went well and she is back to work today. I did go up to her place and stayed the night as she needed someone to drive for her.

John came over yesterday for dinner and I told him all about Alex. He wanted to know if there was any, no pain. Just that she has to put lots of drops in her eyes for a while. That was it....he groaned and for now, don't think he wants to get his eyes done. :)

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