Had some sad news this evening. A cousin of mine, on my Dad's side, passed away this afternoon. She was 75 years old. Know that sounds kind of old but never thought of her as being old. That's her on the left in the top photo when she was probably 18 years old. She was always so pretty and even just as pretty as she got older. I imagine her sister, Charlene, is devastated as they were really close. She was married and had five children and don't know how many grandchildren. Haven't heard of all the arrangements yet but I am assuming that the funeral will be this coming Saturday. She lived her whole life in the same small town where she grew up...Sheridan, Michigan. Hadn't seen her in a while...last time was about a year and a half ago. The other scrapbook page I did is with all the cousins, at that time. There eventually would be 10 of us first cousins... same number as there are on my Mom's side. Marilyn was the oldest of the cousins on my Dad's side and I'm the oldest on my Mom's side.
I'm sorry for your lost!
I am so sorry about your Aunt, I know just what you mean, my Aunt Helen just turned 90 last July, and I would be devestated to lose her too. My prayers are with you and all of her family.
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