So...this morning Alexis was here nice and early. She wanted to watch the rest of the movie Snow White that we were watching yesterday and then after that we bundled up and went to the library. It was the first time for her to go there and she had a great time. She put on a puppet show for me with animal puppets, played with some of the puzzles, played on the computer, explored the fish tank that had a Nemo in it, loved the frog clock with the moving eyes, and then got lots of books to check out. We ended up staying there for about 1-1/2 hours. When we got back she wanted some lunch...peanut butter & jelly sandwich & milk and then we started to read books. John called and said that Sierra's class was on it's way back to the school and that Alexis should take a nap. After reading two more books to her she laid down on the sofa and I went into the computer room. After about a half hour, John was here to pick her up. Don't think she had any nap so he will probably make her lay down at home.
Tomorrow will be going to Lansing to pick up Alex and take her to the hospital for her operation. They were changing the time with her but now it's back to 3pm although she has to be there at 1pm. Then we will come back here. Have to go out today to the grocery store for a few things and that's that.
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