So...get up early...as usual when you have a puppy...and do my usual routine. Went to 7-11 and picked up a Free Press..which is $1.00 now...geeh! Came back, had breakfast and headed over to the library. Had to get the next book! And what book is that....the next installment to the book "Twilight". Bought the book before we went to Hawaii as something to read on the plane and never even glanced at it. So yesterday started reading it....and finished it in one day. You know...I probably would not have been interested in the next installment except for the fact that in the copy of "Twilight" they had the first chapter to the next book..."New Moon"...and I was hooked. And where in the library did I have to pick up the book? In the "Teenage Room"...ahhhhh! So be it....have to find out what is going on next. In fact, I also checked out the installment after "New Moon"...which is titled "Eclipse". Think there is one more after that...can't remember the title but will probably check that one out.
John came over...wants to borrow my car for tonight and after I made some goulash for dinner. Haven't made that in a while. Now I'm full! Called John to see if he wanted to come by for some...not sure if he will but said he would tomorrow.
Went to a store over in the mall where Juan cleans up and bought some things for the "thing" I made for next week-end. The party is getting close now...can hardly wait. People I haven't seen in a while and also cousins will be in attendance...should be a good time.
Tomorrow.....40 years!
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