Well hello again! Haven't written anything in over three weeks. Was an odd few weeks for me. Was having anxiety attacks and couldn't understand why! This went on for over two weeks and finally realized it was some new medication I was taking. Boy..now I make sure I read all the symptoms that can come with a medication. Don't want that feeling again. Kept doing Lamaze breathing but it wasn't doing any good. Know there was reason to have anxiety but didn't think it should bother me sooo much. John and Brandy both are now laid off from their jobs at GM. Both are supposed to go back September 1st but since Brandy has the lowest seniority at the plant, she may not be going back. But, that's something we will have to wait and see.
Did the above scrapbook page of Alex and the Jaycees she belongs to in Lansing. This was Lansing's 150th anniversary so they made a float and were in the parade. She was here Saturday and Sunday for a BBQ that Juan made and she helped quite a bit with straightening up the garage for the up-coming garage sale which starts June 4th. Always is soooo much stuff.
And Brandy came over yesterday and dropped off her wedding dress for us to hold. Very pretty dress!
So, here I am again and will try to do a better job of blogging.
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