Was talking with Alex last night about the crafts I have been doing with Alexis and the craft she did when she was 8 years old came up. Alex had told me I should have Alexis make the bunny ears like she did and when I brought this up to Alexis she said, "No...too boring." hehehehe What? Alexandra's bunny costume too boring? Never! Photo is above.
Did I write that John and Brandy have set a wedding date? Well, if I did here is another reminder....June 26, 2010. They are going this week-end to put a deposit down at Hawthorne Valley in Westland for the reception site. Don't think they still know where the wedding ceremony will take place. Looking at the Hawthorne site I noticed they have a garden....maybe the wedding could take place there? Brandy isn't Catholic so don't think they could have it at a Catholic church. Here is the site if you are interested.... http://www.hawthornevalley.com You will have to copy and paste. They are taking the Aspen Room which is the largest. John is already picking out songs he wants played or not played.
Here at home we are adjusting to not getting the Free Press every day. Now it will only be delivered Thursday, Friday and Sunday. So....a new experience is being tested. Juan on the computer. Have been trying to teach him how to read the paper online. Fun!
Oh...and hear someone finally has a computer again....Unlce Stanley! HI!
1 comment:
Awww...what a cute bunny!!!
As for the Free Press, perfect reason to get a Kindle? Dad can read it in his sun room, no need to get on the computer.
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