Photos on the scrapbook page are from Alex's trip to Baton Rouge last month. She went to a conference there for work. Veteran's Day today and I was thinking about my Uncle Joe. Don't know why...guess because they are showing so many war pictures on the TV and it is in the news today. He LOVED Luciano Pavarotti and would listen to his music all the time. Of course, I believe, Pavarotti's most famous aria would be Nessum Dorma from the opera Turnadot. Listening to Pavarotti sing I can appreciate Uncle Joe's fondness for him. He did have such passion in his voice...something that I think some singers of classical music lack...namely Andrea Bocelli. To me he sings flat! Just my opinion.
Tomorrow I venture out into the real world. Juan and I are going to Meijer's and Korger's to grocery shop. This will be the first time for me going shopping since...???? Think it is over two weeks now....yes, over two weeks. Will have to use one of those motorized carts but that's alright. Have all my coupons together and have made a list of what I have to get from each store. Am back to using coupons since the prices have gone up soooo much for food items.
Alex will be here not this coming week-end but the next week-end to help put up the tree. Should be interesting since this is a new tree and all. Am a little concerned about the size...9 feet. Guess that's was the size of our other tree. Will soon find out!
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