Today is Sierra's 8th birthday. It was celebrated Saturday night at a kids place called Pump It Up here in Canton. All kinds of blow up things where you slide down and crawl through and jump on. After the kids, and some adults, were finished doing their thing in that room we all went into another room where tables and chairs were set up for the cake and ice cream. Was a good time for the kids as they all seemed to be enjoying themselves.
The other picture is of Juan and the chichirones he made yesterday. He has been thinking of making those things since we were in Mexico.
This past week-end Alex came down to help put up the Christmas tree and help decorate. Sure was glad to have her help. So tree is up and all but one of the Christmas village is up. One of the pieces to the village needs to be painted and Alex took it back with her to paint....so that piece will be added on Thursday when she is here again.
Juan has a doctors appointment this morning....just a check up but know he will want something for his arthrites which bothers him now that the weather is colder. Power just went out for a few seconds. Hate that! Had to type all over again.
Better get going as lots to do. Back is much better and leg is not quite all the way healed but slowly getting there....ahhh.