Finished the above layout last night. The second photo is of the pull-out that is in the layout and what is written. Enjoyed going to Tequlia and learning of the process is takes to make the drink. And the landscape in that area was really pretty what with all the agave plants growing. John is supposed to come by this morning to cut the grass for his father. Juan's cold has now settled in to a cough. For the past three or four years now every time he gets a cold he gets this cough. Really annoying for him and me. Will call the doctor on Monday and see if he can't take something for it. On another note....Alex just called and reminded me that it's our wedding anniversary. Yikes! Ummmm...guess I should go out and buy a card....or at least make one. For the past few years Juan and I have been on vacation on our anniversay day. Guess that's why I forgot. Well, have to get going here and get dressed. Think John is bringing the girls with him.
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