Did the two pages of the itinerary of our Mexico trip. The two pages worked out great as I have one for the first page in the album and the second one goes at the very end. This way I don't have any blank pages. I couldn't scan the pages as my scanner was getting mixed up...think the shadow lettering of Mexico was confusing. On another note....I am waiting to hear back from my doctor as my right leg is really giving me a lot of problems. Can hardly walk and my knee is really swollen. All this time I was doing pretty well and then bam! Arthritis has come back with a vengeance. Think all the walking in Mexico helped it along...who knows. So...here I am...sitting....and trying not to move too much.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Did the two pages of the itinerary of our Mexico trip. The two pages worked out great as I have one for the first page in the album and the second one goes at the very end. This way I don't have any blank pages. I couldn't scan the pages as my scanner was getting mixed up...think the shadow lettering of Mexico was confusing. On another note....I am waiting to hear back from my doctor as my right leg is really giving me a lot of problems. Can hardly walk and my knee is really swollen. All this time I was doing pretty well and then bam! Arthritis has come back with a vengeance. Think all the walking in Mexico helped it along...who knows. So...here I am...sitting....and trying not to move too much.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Think this is finally my last scrapbook pages for our Mexico album. All I have to do now is make the cover page of which I usually put our itineary. Carpet cleaning man will be coming at noon. Have moved all the stuff out except for the kitchen table, sofas and the lazy boy chair. Too big to move and he just goes around them. Think he moves the lazy boy...not sure.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Finished the above scrapbook page of Morelia, Mexico. The photo on the top right is of the inside of the Morelia Cathedral and shows a half-ton, solid silver monstrance. Now what is a monstrance you ask??? It is used to display the consecrated Eucharistic Host during services. Never knew what it was called or even that it had a name. See, you learn something from scrapbooking! Tomorrow am having the family room, kitchen and laundry room carpet cleaned. Was going to do it after Aspen died but just never got around to call. Will move out some of the furniture today but leave all the big stuff...that can just stay in place. And have to call my doctor today and make an appointment. This arthritis is driving me crazy.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008

Scrapbook pages are of Zacatecas, Mexico and of some of the churches we saw in Mexico. Don't know what's on the agenda today...if we have Alexis or not. Will have to give John a call to find out. Sometimes she stays at her grandmothers house on Mondays and Tuesdays. Have a lot of straightening up to do in this house...especially my computer/craft room. My table is a mess with stuff all over the place. I seem to like to scrap in organized chaos, if there is such a thing. Know where everything is...just piled up or underneath other items. Oh well.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008

You can see in the above scrapbook page that I got a little mixed up. Wasn't paying attention to what I was doing and got the pages not matching each other. Didn't feel like trying to peel the glued stuff off and starting over so the page will stay as it is....mixed up. Now I know one person will be saying that if I did digital scrapbooking that wouldn't happen. Ahhh, yes...but then it wouldn't get my personal look. Ü For those who don't know what I'm talking about....the stripes should match-up on both pages.
Juan ended up not going to Eastern Market yesterday so no corned beef. :( Ahh...we'll go ourselved one day and pick some up. John called last night for me to come over quick. He and Brandy were going to a Halloween party and he wanted me to take their picture. He told me to hurry so didn't take my glasses with me and one of the pictures, found out when I came home, turned out fuzzy. But, I have three more so that should be okay. Will try to get photos of the girls and then make a scrapbook page with all of them.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008

Scrapbook pages are of Alexis' 4th birthday party at Chuck-E-Cheese and Guadalajara, Mexico. Juan is going this morning with Hank to Eastern Market in Detroit. Know some of the things he will be getting...corned beef and chorizo...who knows what else. Have been having problems with my right knee the past few days...arthritis...bummer. Just seems to be going in more and more places. Was wearing Juan's knee brace and that seems to help but hate wearing it all the time. Still working on more scrapbook pages...don't know when I'll finish with Mexico. Had to put the pages in a bigger scrapbook album as I already have 17 double pages and am working on another one right now. Well...it keeps me busy.
Friday, October 24, 2008

Scrapbook papges are of Guanajuato and Taxco. Guanajuato is the state where Juan's father was from...in the city of Silao and Taxco was the last city we visited before coming home. A very pretty but very hilly city. That was the big issue in Mexico for us....the walking up and down all these hilly streets.
Picked up Alex yesterday from the airport. Of course, she comes back with stuff for all of us. She drove back home last night and is not suppose to go to work until noon today. Gives her a little bit more of rest.
Took GiGi yesterday to the vet and she is scheduled for next Friday, Halloween, to have the three cysts removed from her back and have her teeth cleaned. He gave me some kind of stuff I spray on her food to help prevent all the tarter build up. And I have medicine to spray on her inside ears because she has dry skin. Ahhhhh...what more.
Thursday, October 23, 2008

The above scrapbook page is of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City. Journaling reads, "Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin, an Aztec, was walking between his village and Mexico City on December 12, 1531 when Our Lady of Guadalupe appeared, speaking to him in his native Nahuatl language. She told him to build a church at the site. When Juan Diego spoke to the Spanish bishop, the bishop did not believe him, asking for a miraculous sign. Although it was winter, the Virgin told Juan Diego to gather flowers, and Spanish roses bloomed right at his feet. When Juan Diego presented these to the bishop, the roses fell from his apron (the Tilma) and an icon of the Virgin was miraculously imprinted on the cloth. The bishop ordered a church built at once, dedicated to Our Lady of Guadalupe. Shown on the opposite page is the original cloth and image now in the new Basilica built in 1974. The old Basilica, built in 1526, still stands but the foundation has weakened and now leans toward the left. Seeing the faith of the Mexican people at this site had me awe struck. There are constant pilgrimages of people to the shrine and seeing people walking on their knees, on the two-mile boulevard leading to the Basilica, was something I will never forget. Two miles on their knees…I just can’t get over that. There were also people walking on their knees in the plaza going toward the Basilica." Was quite the place to see.
Last night went to Chuck-E-Cheese for Alexis birthday. The place has never changed and is still loud with all the birthday parties going on at the same time. Ü Today to the vet with GiGi and later we are going to a funeral home as a friend has passed away. He had cancer for over 8 years and was 64 years old. Actually he is a friend of a friends of ours but we knew him and his family. And then, later tonight, Alex will be coming back from Baton Rouge so will have to pick her up at the airport.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Kind of a simpler scrapbook page of the ruins and pyramids at Teotihuacan. Up a little earlier today as we had our sprinkler system blown out or turned off or whatever they do to winterize. The guy just left from doing the job. Today is Alexis 4th birthday. Tonight we get to go to Chuck-E-Cheese for a small celebration with her mom and sister. Haven't been there since Alex worked there...wayyyy back. Have to go out and buy a birthday card for her. And tomorrow have to take GiGi to the vet. She has three small bumps on her back that I want the vet to look at and possibly remove. And that's about it.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The above scrapbook page is of some of the people we met on the tour. All were great people and one especially helped Juan. Kathy, from California, loaned Juan her walking stick which he really needed on this trip with all of the rocky roads and hills to climb. Was so very nice of her and she let us keep it for our two extra days in Mexico. I mailed it back to her when we returned.
As usual I have become obsessed with doing these scrapbook pages. Just love doing them but it keeps me from doing stuff I should be doing. Oh well....it can wait.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008

And yet another Mexico scrapbook page. Just got back from dropping off Alex at the airport. She will be in Baton Rouge until Thursday night. John, Brandy and the girls stopped by last night to pick up the pumpkins Alex painted for them. She made Animal for John, Howard the Duck for Brandy, Hannah Montana for Sierra and Queen Narissa for Alexis. For us she made the two siamese cats from Lady and the Tramp. All are cute.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Sunday, October 19, 2008

The above scrapbook page is just of different sights we saw in Mexico. When you pull out the tag it reads, "Girl selling tuna (prickley pears), jewel incrusted figures, a very large Margarita, green and red chorizo, a girl celebrating her Quinceanear, a double rainbow in Guanajuato and the Ballet Folklorico." I remember at the time those tuna looked so good but I was afraid to try them in Mexico so the next time we go to Honeybee's in Detroit I will buy me some. And the girl celebrating her 15th birthday...her dress...you can't really tell in the picture but it was really cut out especially the back. Thought it a bit too much for a 15th year old but hey...I'm old and what do I know. Ü Besides, she looked so happy. Alex will be coming here later this afternoon. Have to drive her to the airport tomorrow morning as she is going to Baton Rouge for four days...work related.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008

Hummmm...Sweetest Day. Well the sun is out and there is a chill in the air as the temperature is only 59 degrees right now. Still...not bad out. Did the above layout of photos from the Frida Kahlo Museum. Was really interesting to see. Wasn't able to take any photos inside the house but outside was okay. Saw the famous bed where she painted from when she couldn't walk and died in that bed. Tiny...but then she was...and had mirrors at the top so she could paint herself. I really like most of her paintings...she painted her life...very interesting. In photos around the house you could see that she was quite pretty...it was just that one eyebrow. Wanted to pluck that thing to pieces!
And the song that is playing....Delirio....it's my favorite latin song even though it's not sung by my hunny bunny Alejandro. Love the lead in and just....well, the whole song. And with this song I know all the words even though I really don't know most of the words. That's alright. Know it's about a delirious love he sings about and that he is happy because she loves him too.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008

Journaling reads, "In Morelia we ate at the San Miguelito Restaurant. The restaurant is famous for the people who come here to solicit help from St. Anthony, the patron saint of the unmarried. Of course, I had to ask St. Anthony for a request for a certain someone. To motivate St. Anthony you have to turn him upside down, leave thirteen coins at the corners, walk around him thirteen times while asking for your request, light a candle and register your personal request in the book of Petitions, Miracles and Thanksgiving. St. Anthony remains upside down until he completes his Cupid tasks. I bought a couple of small St. Anthony’s to follow-up at home, just to make sure. I wasn’t the only one putting in my request. One of the other ladies in our group made three requests. That means she had to circle St. Anthony thirty-nine times. Yikes! It was very interesting as I had not heard of this task that St. Anthony performs. Will have to wait and see if he will grant my request.
September 29, 2008
Morelia, Michoacan, Mexico"
I had to laugh after I scanned the layout. I didn't have a fifth photo of any of the St. Anthony items taken up and down, so I used one...the Day of the Dead pink doll....that I took from other items in the same restaurant. Now it looks like this "woman" is still petitioning St. Anthony from her grave. She still has hope. hehehehe Ahhhh...so be it.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Thursday, October 16, 2008

Don't know why I put "The Aztecs" as a title in the above layout. It should read, "The Aztec". Have fixed it and took off the "s". Nice sunny day outside. Think I will start putting stuff away on the back patio. Like getting rid of the dead flowers and covering up the patio table and chairs. We had Alexis twice yesterday. John helped Sierras class with computers...think he said they use PowerPoint. I don't have that on my computer...at least I don't thinki I do. Not even sure if John knows how to use it. Think he will have to brush up on it. Just did a search on my computer for Powerpoint and found I do have it. Geeh! Will have to read the introduction on what exactly it does. Just glanced throught it and it is with Microsoft Word...does lots of fancy things like for a presentation or whatever. Will have to fool around with it to see how it works.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008

John dropped off Alexis this morning at our house so he could go up to Sierra's school and help her class with computers. Today was his first time doing this and is supposed to do it every other week for about 45 minutes. We will still get her again this afternoon for an hour.
Did the above layout from photos John took when they all went to the apple orchard this past weekend. Was a nice time to go as it wasn't cold or rainy. Working right not on another Mexico layout.
Have to go to the grocery store and pick up some items for here at the house. Think I'll make some blueberry muffins while Alexis is here. Should be fun.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Finished that above layout of our brush with royality while in Mexico. Journaling reads, "We stopped in the town of Morelia, the capital in the state of Michoacán. At our hotel, Hotel Virrey de Mendoza, we noticed that barricades were being assembled around the hotel. We soon learned that some special guest were to be arriving. Prince Felipe & Princess Letizia of Spain, President Calderon of Mexico & his wife, and the Governor of Michoacán, Governor Godoy & his wife. Also, in the town were many, many police, both local and federal, looked like all of the Mexican army and many secret service men. There had been a bombing in the town just two weeks before so am assuming that is why all the precautions. Getting a photo of any them was no easy feat as there were hundreds of people. Only photos that came out were of Governor Godoy, President Calderon’s wife and the hair of Princess Letizia. :) We were allowed back in the hotel since we were staying there and that is when we met them all. Only thing is that no photos were being allowed in the hotel. Bummer! So the photo I have of them all I took from the internet. It shows them with the Children’s Choir of Morelia. Didn’t mention the international tiff I got into with some Spanish women. Ahh but, that’s another story."
Beautiful day outside today and here I am still not dressed. Leaves are starting to fall here and it won't be long before we have piles and piles to rake up. Lawn mower can only do so much, after that, we're on our own. Hopefully it will stay dry. Hate when you have to pick up wet leaves. Nothing much going on. Alex goes next week to Baton Rouge for a few days...work related...so will be taking and picking her up from the airport. When we went to Mexico we left and came back at the newest terminal at the airport. Very nice. Soooo....better get dressed before it's time for bed. Ü
Monday, October 13, 2008
Monday, October 13, 2008

Did the above scrapbook pages of photos from Xochilmilco, Mexico. Just had to go see all the colorful boats in the canals. Since we went there on a Wednesday, there weren't that many boats out but, could tell what it would look like on a weekend with all the boats, people, food, musicians and everyone having a good time. We did have a good time and even had a song serenaded to us.
Juan, in his garbage picking, was going by a house when this woman was bringing out bags and a sign that read, "Free Baby Boy Clothes". So he brought them home. I decided to keep them and have washed them all and sorted to their sizes. You never know if sometime, someone might need them. Our nephew and his girlfriend are pregnant although I called her this weekend and haven't heard back. She is a high risk pregnancy being this is her first child and she is 46 years old. Hope everything is still going okay with them. Know she has really wanted a child.
Well...gotta get going here. Have to pack up all those clothes and put them...yikes...in the overflowing BASEMENT!!!
Oh...and song playing..."The Barca"...it means "The Boat".
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Saturday, October 11, 2008

Finished the above layout last night. The second photo is of the pull-out that is in the layout and what is written. Enjoyed going to Tequlia and learning of the process is takes to make the drink. And the landscape in that area was really pretty what with all the agave plants growing. John is supposed to come by this morning to cut the grass for his father. Juan's cold has now settled in to a cough. For the past three or four years now every time he gets a cold he gets this cough. Really annoying for him and me. Will call the doctor on Monday and see if he can't take something for it. On another note....Alex just called and reminded me that it's our wedding anniversary. Yikes! Ummmm...guess I should go out and buy a card....or at least make one. For the past few years Juan and I have been on vacation on our anniversay day. Guess that's why I forgot. Well, have to get going here and get dressed. Think John is bringing the girls with him.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Friday, October 10, 2008

Did the above layout of our visit to Tequila, Mexico and the Jose Cuervo factory and fields. Will have to do another layout of the Blue Aguve plant fields...it was sooo interesting seeing how they make tequile. Slowing getting back to normal here although Juan has a bad cold. Just where he got it...???? Couldn't have been from Mexico. Did I tell you that he didn't try any of the Mexican food? Only the guacamole. He was afraid he would catch something. Ahhhh...my Juan and only! I liked the food...for the most part. It's nothing like here. In one town I ordered chicken tacos and they came completely rolled up...like a cigar. Different. And they always serve red and green hot sauce...which are both hotter than we have here. Loved their soups. Am going to have to try and find some of the recipes for them. My favorite is fideo...which is a noodle soup. Am sure that my sister-in-law knows how to make that particular soup. Squash soup...cream corn with ravioli soup. All wonderful. So...have to get going here. Seems I'm always off in some other direction than what I'm supposed to be doing.
You know you can click on the photo for a larger view.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
That's big old me in front of the Temple of the Sun in Teotihuacan from 200 BC...the first true city of the Americas. Next photo is of Juan and I in front of a Tequila display at our hotel, The Presidente, in Guadalajara. It was a fun and interesting trip but exhausting! Two weeks is a long time for old people like us in a country that is nothing but mountains. This blog won't be too long as I have lots to do around here...especially with the photos...all 637 of them. Yeah...you read right...and that's not including the ones I deleted. So...just checking in to tell you that we are home. Will get back with all of you when I get the chance to tell you of all our encounters.
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