Heard from my sister-in-law today. She wants us all to come to her home after the wedding ceremony this Saturday. Guess I told you that our niece is getting married. There is a gap between the ceremony and the reception...wedding at 2pm...reception at 6pm. I had originally thought that we would go to the ceremony and then come home, change and go to the reception. Thought that there would be too much going on at the bride's house but the wedding party will be driving around in a limo, taking pictures until the reception. Going to their home afterward will make it easier for us to just follow them to the reception. We haven't had a big wedding on that side of the family since the bride's parents were married. Yikes!
Made some stuffed peppers today for our dinner. They are in the oven right now...ummmm. Love green peppers! Juan does not really care for green peppers but he likes this recipe. It calls for a can of tomatoes and since he won't eat chunks of cooked tomatoes, I have to blend them up so he can eat them. I'm telling you...ahhhh!
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