Poor Red Wings! Come on....get with it. What a game last night...and I just knew that those Penguins would win that game. Not watching the next one...I'll just wait to hear all the car horns honking outside and know that they won.
Our Clematis, "Nelly Moser", plant in the front yard is in full bloom...very pretty. That's it pictured above. Should bloom all summer but because of our tree it gets too much shade so only blooms the one time. Still...looks nice. And my peony blooms are starting to open up. Will take a picture when it's showing all it's flowers.
Yesterday went and had my hair cut and dyed...back to old me again. And Juan's garage sale may have some bad weather. It is suppose to rain all three days of the sale. Great. Just hope it's an on and off thing with the rain. Right now it's really overcast outside. Well....just looked at the weather prediction and it's not suppose to rain on Thursday. That's good. Just today, tomorrow, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, etc....and it will be HOT! 88º and above from Thursday on....hate that. Guess summer is here.
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