Boxes. Just how long do you save boxes? I mean, I have kept boxes for ebay and boxes for things we have in the house or have given as presents. Like the box Alexs' radio was packaged in...or my Cricut for scrapbooking...and that's just mentioning some of them....just how long should I keep them? You know that as soon as I get rid of them...something will break and I won't have the box to ship it back to the manufacturer. Ahhhhh.....think I will finally get rid of them. Will put items that I want for Ebay in a box and then I will have it all ready when I post the auction.....just pitch the rest. Sounds good? Yeah...sounds good to me.
A friend of Juan's came by this morning and took up all the stuff I had for the garage sale. Still have so much junk down there...oh well.
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