Hard to believe it's the end of May already. John came by briefly to take down some boxes from the rafters in the garage that has items to be put out for the garage sale. Sale starts this Thursday through Saturday....and Lynn...will make sure to check on those clubs for you.
One of Juan's friends came over who is an electrician and looked at the lamp post we are putting up in the backyard. Not quite as fancy as the one pictured above and wouldn't that be a great backyard...Ü...but it does have three lights. The post is one of Juan's freebies. Not sure when this guy is hooking it up but he is also going to put another plug out on the front porch. We decided to get the front porch enclosed and a guy was out Wednesday to measure. Won't be installed until August sometime but that's alright. Will just be a three season porch. Juan said he can put a small space heater out there if it's too cold for him. This is something he has wanted so why not....whatever rocks your boat! It will be similar to the one pictured above but only on two sides and of course, no roof needed. Same color as pictured with same glass layout and sliding door and windows with screens. Juan has already told neighbors that there will be no smoking on the porch once the enclosure is finished. One neighbor is not too pleased but hey...everything will just smell of smoke and don't want that.
Received our invitation today for Ann Marie's wedding....of course, we will be attending.