Well, the golden child came over today and guess what he brought???? Is the picture above telling you anything??? Good Grief! Didn't think you would like to see a picture of ALL his dirty items...piles, just piles of items to be washed. Two large garbage bags full. Ahhhhhh. The washing I don't mind...new washing machine, remember? It's all the shirts that need to be ironed. I know...I said I like to iron but, not all day!
The guys were here today and fixed the lights but, not the cold/hot water problem. Did other things and will be here tomorrow to put another coat of paint on the door. The counter is supposed to be in next Tuesday....hope so...would like it finished. Did take stuff back to BB&B and picked up some other items. Ü All of the items are sitting on the bed in the guest bedroom...waiting.
Nice day today. Hope it will be as nice tomorrow as we have to rake up the backyard and "rope" off a section so the dogs can't get to it. Putting grass seed down in the bare spots. Aspen is really bad and kicking. Seems like that's all she likes to do when outside....rip up the grass.
I hear my machine calling me....load one done and only six more to do. Yea!
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