Monday, April 28, 2008

Monday, April 28, 2008

Went to the laundromat today with John's comforter. He brought it over last week thinking I could put this huge, queen-sized cover in my washing machine. Sometimes I don't know what he is thinking! I mean, I had to "stuff" it into the machine. Of course, when it was wet it shrank down in size but still....huge. There weren't many people inside...maybe four or five of us. One other woman was there with her comforters. The others were there doing their regular wash. Not a cheap thing to go to a laundromat. It cost $3.75 to wash the comforter and another $1.00 to partially dry it. It was almost dry and I just didn't want to sit around anymore. Kind of laughed at the price to dry items. It cost 25 cents for 7 minutes. Why seven???? I mean who was the person who decided that 7 minutes was long enough for something to dry and then to charge you 25 cents? Ahhhh! So..if you had 4 loads of wash that would be $15.00 just for washing....then you have to dry the stuff. Expensive...and boring! You sit there watching machines go round and round.
John did come by later in the afternoon. His dad made one of his favorites tonight for of course he came by. Also picked up his dry cleaning and the shirts I ironed for him...and the comforter.
And that was my exciting day. Oh....did go by Target to pick up milk and bread. Have never gone there for groceries but just didn't feel like going over to Kroger's...besides...had to pick up something for the Megan, the birthday girl whose party we are going to on Saturday.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Sunday, April 28, 2008

Our cherry tree is almost in full bloom. Very pretty. When the cherries come the robins have a field day. They can't seem to get enough. I remember I once bought one of those strawberry know....the ones that have holes all over the sides so the strawberries can grow. Well, anyway...the strawberries were growning and I was going to be able to get quite a few. NOT! The robins came and ate all of them! Oh well. Went out in the backyard and picked all the dead flowers from last year. Getting ready to get new plants although, I think it suppose to get cooler next week...50's and 60's through the end of the week. Alex will be coming down Friday night as she has someplace to go Saturday morning. Afterwards she will just go back up to Lansing. We have a birthday party to go to Saturday afternoon. My friends granddaughter will be 10 years old.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Saturday, April 26, 2008

I know....kind of weird...Square Bob or Sponge Bob...not sure of his name. Anyway...had this "Bob" stuff for a scrapbook page and decided to use them with the pirate stuff. You know....sailing....water....hurricanes. Ü That hurricane tube was awesome but loud! Wind inside the tube got to over 80mph.
Not much to do today. Going to be a lazy day I think. I probably will iron John's shirts and not much else. Don't know for sure. Last night a few of neighbors came over to sit on the front porch and talk. Stayed until 11pm.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Friday, April 25, 2008

Juan and I went to the "Shipwreck" exhibit at the Detroit Science Center and I have to say I was a bit disappointed. They call it "Pirates and Treasure" but there sure wasn't that much treasure to see. Still had fun. Afterwards, we went to eat at Mexican Village and then stopped at the "cookie factory" for Juan's...ahhh...don't know how to spell it. Sounds like...ChiChiRoanEs.
If you want to see a cute is of Alejandro. He is on tour now but they surprised him for his birthday. The kids in the background are his children...all five of them! He is just sooo sweet! You'll have to copy and paste.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Alejandro's Birthday

Today is my hunny bunny's birthday! So today I have him singing a song. Don't know what it means Ü but, I still like it. Also, today Juan (#1 hunny bunny) and I will be going to the Detroit Science Center for the shipwreck exhibit. And...did I tell you...the sprinkler system works fine now and is all fixed. There was some valve in the back that the installers had turned the wrong way when they winterized it.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Guess who surprised us yesterday with a visit???? Tony Satterfield!!! Who'd a thought? It was so great to see him again. Can you believe it has been 23 years since we saw him? Looks the same except for the white hair. In fact, he looks great. He was in town for some business and was returning home to Tennessee today. He and Sandy are doing great as is their daughter Sabrina who is 20 years old and attending collage...boy...time sure does go by fast. The picture above was taken back in 1983...geeh! That's Juan, Tom Ganash (not sure of the spelling of his last name...he lived on Willow Creek), next is Tony, then Dick Bryja and then Tom Ivy. Juan is greyer and heavier, Tony is the same except for the white hair, Dick looks pretty much the same and Tom looks about the same excpt for the hair. Pig roasts!'bout time we have one of those again. Just can't get over the fact that he came by...really great!
Sprinkler guy is suppose to be here soon to see what's up with the system. Always something.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Ahhhh....sprinkler people are coming out tomorrow. They told us how to fix one thing but now another thing is not working. They are coming between 1 & 3...hopefully everything will be fixed. Also, want to ask about the two grass if they are alive. ??? Don't know when they are suppose to start growing.
Thursday, Juan and I are going to the science center in Detroit to see the "Shipwreck! Priates & Treasure" exhibit. Haven't been down there since, I think, John was in middle school. Long time ago. Speaking of John...he is suppose to stop by sometime tonight. Pick up laundry and stuff.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Monday, April 21, 2008

Let see.....talked with the people who installed the sprinkler are suppose to turn on these valves outside before you turn on the water. WHY DIDN'T THEY TELL US THIS WHEN THEY WINTERIZED THE SYSTEM????? Could have had the water going days ago. Don't think I will ever get that grass to grow. Using an American Indian Grass Dance song to help it along. Ü
Just got back from dropping off John's dry cleaning and from the grocery store. Juan wants ribs! He wants to fry them. I know they are good but, am going to try going back on my diet! Will see how long it lasts.
Saw John last night and he seemed to be okay now. Will have to talk to him later this afternoon when he gets home to see how his day went at work and if he had any more symptons with kidney stones.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Sunday, April 20, 2008

John had to go to the hospital emergency last night. Kidney stone! oooooooo...painful. He seems to be alright today...has medication in case he is in pain. He was a pall bearer for Brandy's step-grandmother yesterday at her funeral....and then they found out later in the day that Brandy's grandmother in Florida has just passed away. Geeh.
Have to have the sprinkler system people come out as there is something wrong with the system. Water shooting everywhere from the one spout. Shouldn't be that way so will call them tomorrow.
One of our neighbors is going to run for Trustee of our township and had a meeting with friends who he asked to help him out. He needs 250 or 350 signatures (can't remember which) to be handed in by May 13th so he can be on the primary ballot in August. We had two sheets to get filled and we have them all done. Will have to go over to his house and hand them in sometime next week. He currently is treasurer of our home owners association and has done a really good job so I see no reason why he shouldn't be a good trustee.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Saturday, April 19, 2008's nice and sunny right now but is suppose to rain after 2pm....hope so as we put that grass seed down and it needs some water. Juan and I did go out for fish last night....very good, as usual. Another scrapbook page for Alex....more sites in Virginia and DC. Might do just one more page...will have to see what I can come up with for the few pictures I have left.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Friday, April 18, 2008

Another scrapbook page for Alexandra's scrapbook. The big tag on the right side pulls out to read, "Alex is always one who likes to explore. Photos here are from the Irish Embassy, spring flowers, Vermilion Restaurant in Alexandria and the International Spy Museum in Washington, D.C." Loved putting this layout together...all the bits and pieces. Ü Of course, you know you can click on the pictures for a bigger view.
Another beautiful day out today. Temperature right now is 68º and is suppose to get up to 78º. Juan and I did rake up the front lawn and got and dirt and seed put down where it is needed. Didn't put the sprinkler system on as it is suppose to rain tomorrow...if not, will have to turn it on.
Tonight Juan and I will be going to 4 Friends Restaurant for fish fry. Love their fish...ummmm. Maybe we'll go with some other couple...we'll see.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

It's Still Thursday

Yes, I's still Thursday but wanted to put up these scrapbook pages. Have been on a roll. Here are three more and am in the process of doing another one. Might do one more after that. Will see. The first one pictured...going to have Alex fill in the journaling. The second one is of places to eat in the VA/DC area and the last one is of sites in Virginia. Just click on any of them so you can see a larger image.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Another scrapbook page for Alex. This one is where Alex and her friends all went out to the Texas de Brazil restaurant. It's one of those all you can eat RED MEAT restaurants....Juan's favorite, as I would think it is ALL men's favorite. Did another scrapbook page but will put that one up tomorrow.
Juan and I still have to put out the dirt on the lawn...yesterday was just too windy. Other than that....not much.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Pictured above is the son of Tai & Jia Osurman....such a cutie! Kind of reminds me of John when he was little. Tai and Alex used to be house mates in Virginia. The baby's name is of my favorite names...and he is 5-1/2 months old in these pictures. He was born October 31, 2007.
John did come by yesterday to do his MI taxes. They were no problem to do as he just has to do the quick form. Just hoping he mailed it out never know with John.
Have to spread some dirt outside today to be able to put in some grass seed. When they installed the sprinkler system last fall they kind of made a mess in one section of the front lawn. Will try and fix it.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Tuesday, April 15 2008

Had to pick up Alex today from the airport. She said she had a great time seeing all her old friends in DC. Did a scrapbook page of our new bathroom. Guess you can tell I have nothing better to do. Ü John is on his way over here. He forgot to do his Michigan tax return so will have to help him. Ahhhhh.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Ducks! We have a pair of mallards who come here every day to feed. GiGi isn't too happy about them coming but we keep her in the house until they leave. They aren't afraid of me for some reason. I do a low quacking as I go outside and it must mean something in duck talk that I'm okay to be around. Ü
Also, finished making the curtain for the bathroom. Don't know if you call it a curtain or not...a drape...or whatever. Only thing left to get is something for the wall between the window and the mirror....oh, and a new night light....then it's finished.
Have to do some grocery shopping later today. Oh, and I went to the opening of the new Penney's. The Sephora shop inside the store gave out a small, black, zippered Sephora bag with samples inside. Pink Sugar Body Mousse by Aquolina, Big Fatty Lip Pumper by Urban Decay, Eye Treatment by Boscia, Glycolic Facial Cleaner by Anthony For Men, Very Irresistible by Givenchy, Brow Gel Clear by Anastasia and a coupon for complimentary makeup, skincare & fragrace consultation with free personalized samples. Not bad and as Juan and I say, "Free is good".

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Took Alex to the airport this morning and later went to the bank and then finally got a haircut and had my hair put back to its natural color...blond. Ü Filled up a couple of the drawers in the bathroom...make-up and stuff. So use to not having drawers in that room I don't really know what to put in there. As you can see in the first picture, by the reflection in the one mirror, I don't have the curtain up yet so didn't take a photo facing that way. Love having the counter at a higher much easier for everything.
John and Brandy stopped by this morning. They both took a vacation day as Brandy had to go for an ultra sound. She had to rush to the emergency the night before...they don't know if it was a gall stone or kidney stone or the other. She will find out the results in a couple of days.
Started my "sping" (it still is spring, right?) cleaning. Started with the family room. Aspen and GiGi have way tooooo many toys. Bagged up all the balls (Aspen hasn't the teeth for them anymore and they are too big for GiGi) and all of the big stuffed toys. Aspen will be 15 on May 9th and just can't or won't play with them anymore. She just follows me everywhere I go and is underfoot most of the time but, oh well. Juan is home now and taking his "nap" so will just have to clean around him. Will put the "feet" up on the lazy boy and "Ruby" will start her cleaning.
Just love this new bathroom. Someone asked me if this is my vacation this year.....NO! Still going places and will drag Juan along with me. I know he would be content to just stay put but not me....I want to see stuff! Ü Taking him to the Tulip Festival next month in Holland, the Lilac Festival at Mackinac Island in June, Mexico in the fall and who knows where else we'll go. I don't want to sit on the front porch and watch people passing by....I want to be one of the people. So...a traveling it will, there and everywhere.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

The counter/sinks arrived this morning as did one of the guys who is doing the bathroom. The other guy, driving with the trailer, had a flat tire on the way and didn't arrive until 9:30am. That's alright....just glad everything is finally coming to a close. They are resealing the grout both on the walls and floor. Just brought the counter in and laid it in place. Of course, the bathroom walls are all so screwy in this house....but the back splash pieces will cover the uneveness. Took a quick picture before all back splashes are up and faucets installed. Soooo....almost there. Ü

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

No call yesterday and still no call today. When will this bathroom be finished???? Guess I'm not getting my counter today...ahhh!
Went to the new Penney's yesterday. Nice...everything on one floor, which I'm not used to at a Penney's. Their grand opening will be this Friday. I suppose they will be giving out stuff so will mosey over to see what's gives. Bummed about this bathroom still in limbo. Waiting to spring clean when it's all finished. They are waisting my time!!!
Alex will be coming here tomorrow night. She is leaving Thursday for DC to visit her friends and will return the 15th.
FLASH..... They will be here tomorrow morning at 8am...counter top is coming at 8:30am.....YEA!!!!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Sunday, April 6, 2008

My silver tree...went yesterday to Ikea to look for a silver bowl...found one. Juan and I also went to Mexican Feista Restaurant. He ordered a large Botana and beleive me, it was huge....enough for both of us today. I ordered the cheese enchiladas and Juan also ordered muendo to go....ekh. Have never tried it but don't think I ever will.
Oh, and my silver is on the wall behind the toilet.....and my Detroit Red Wings beer tap $42.77 for it. Not bad for something free.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Well, the golden child came over today and guess what he brought???? Is the picture above telling you anything??? Good Grief! Didn't think you would like to see a picture of ALL his dirty items...piles, just piles of items to be washed. Two large garbage bags full. Ahhhhhh. The washing I don't washing machine, remember? It's all the shirts that need to be ironed. I know...I said I like to iron but, not all day!
The guys were here today and fixed the lights but, not the cold/hot water problem. Did other things and will be here tomorrow to put another coat of paint on the door. The counter is supposed to be in next Tuesday....hope so...would like it finished. Did take stuff back to BB&B and picked up some other items. Ü All of the items are sitting on the bed in the guest bedroom...waiting.
Nice day today. Hope it will be as nice tomorrow as we have to rake up the backyard and "rope" off a section so the dogs can't get to it. Putting grass seed down in the bare spots. Aspen is really bad and kicking. Seems like that's all she likes to do when up the grass.
I hear my machine calling me....load one done and only six more to do. Yea!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

April 2, 2008

Finally found the towels for the bathroom. Colors are Fresh Mint by Ralph Lauren and Blue Dusk by Microcrotton. Will have to wait for the counter top to be installed to see what else I want for that room. Found a couple of boo when I turn on the light in our guest room, it makes the bathroom lights go out. Just have to hit that circuit button and the bathroom lights go on again...but can't turn on the bedroom light or else here we go again. The other thing is that when we turn on the cold water it comes out hot for about 8 seconds and then gradually turns cold. Something is not right! They are suppose to be here tomorrow so will tell them about the problems. Just a kind of run around day for me....Macy's, BB&B and Meijer's and of course, forgot to pick up some stuff while at Meijer's so will have to go back tomorrow.
Another night of TV shows that I like to watch....American's Next Top Model, American Idol, and Top Chef. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thuursday are the only days that have shows that I like to watch. The other three days really have nothing...except for The Girls Next Door which I think is still on Sunday's....not that show.
And....ARTIE SHAW....that's whose music is playing.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

April Fool's Day

Well, the guys were here today...yea! They put all the knobs and handles on the cabinets, hooked up the heated floor, put up the shower curtain rail, also the other safety handle inside the tub area, plus lots of other things. They are coming back Thursday to paint and finish the door frame. counter....ahhh....they heard today from the people making it that they ran out of the style of sinks I want so if I still want that kind (which I do) I will have to wait two weeks. Here we go...I said I would wait. Then Patrice, who is the wife of Frank, who is one of the two guys...the other guy is Tom, Patrices' brother...anyway, she happened to run into the guy who makes the counters and asked him why such a delay. Lo and behold they found two sinks! Yea!!! So now...I should be getting the counter the early part of next week. Should I say yea???? YEA!!!!
Took my first shower in my bathroom this night. You notice I put MY bathroom. Ü LOVED IT!!!! Drip, drip, it. There is light...thank you! and love this big shower head....just wonderful. Oh...the floor!!! Did I tell you about the floor??? Warm and toasty! I likey! I likey very much!