YES....I WANT IT NOW!!!! Again, the guys doing the bathroom called to say they weren't coming today BUT, would be here tomorrow. AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! And....the counter isn't in so he will be doing all the other little things that need to be done. Two weeks is almost three week (Wednesday) and who knows how long this will take.
Went to Home Depot and picked up the knobs and handles for the cabinets. Had to go to both Canton ones as I the first one I went to (Ford Road) only had four of the handles, so had to go to the Michigan Avenue one also. Also, went to Macy's and Bed, Bath & Beyond looking at towels. Not having that much of luck with finding the colors I want...or at least I think I want. Did get a shower curtain, liner and the rings that hold it up. It's white with a sort of a waffle effect on it. Will have to take back some of the towels I picked up as I don't like the color. Looking for a hydrangea blue color and it's not that easy to find. Have to take back towels at both Macy's and BB&B so while I'm at Macy's will go over to Sear's and Penney's to see what they have. Oh...speaking of Penney's...the new Penney's by us, behind Target, will be opening up on April 11th. There will be Sephora store in there also...hummmm...good. Love Sephora! It opens at 9am on that day and I suppose I will go over to see what's up...maybe some free things?...don't know. Now...hopefully those guys will be here tomorrow!!!!