Went to Home Depot and started looking at things I have to pick out for the bathroom. Ahhhhh....I need Candice Olson! So many things to look at....tubs, faucets, toilets, tile, cabinets, etc. Anyway...think I have found tile that I would like for in the bathtub area. It's pictured above. It's a glass tile with some other kind of tile around it. The color is a pale green. I know...next to the blue kitchen carpeting it kind of looks blue but it is a soft green. The tile around the glass tile is a beige/white tile and that would be the prominent tile with a larger glass tile every so often. The strip on the top would be an accent. Not shown...there would be a thin glass tile above and below that strip. Really like it. Also looked at cabinets. Not sure if I want Natural Maple or Natural Cherry. Maybe I can bring home some kind of samples from the store. Then there is the counter top...what color there? And the floor tile....so lots to consider.
Our former next door neighbor recommended a guy who did his basement in this old house and his present house. Called him this afternoon and his wife is suppose to call me tonight to set up an appointment. See what they have to say.
Juan had problems at the mall today as everything was frozen by the dumpster. He had to put a bunch of ice salt around it, wait and then break it apart for the dumpster guy to come and replace it with an empty dumpster. Also, the Coney Island owner wants Juan to make some tacos for him to taste. He has heard how good they are and want Juan to give him the recipe. Ha! Don't think so. Soooo....the owner wants to work out some sort of deal. Will have to wait on that.
We are having our taco party that we were suppose to have this month on Saturday, February 9th. so mark your calenders.